

Magic Mixtape seeks to establish a musical dialogue between two collaborators of original sound material or a mix vinyl records or cassette tapes. Each guest has one side of the cassette, 30 minutes to share their selection of sounds. Every month there will be a new 2 x 30 minute Magic Mixtape in wave formate to listen and / or to record on a cassette. You will also find a cover of the month in pdf to print made by a guest visual artist.

This mix is courtesy of DJ Dolor and DJ Pedro. Cover art is courtesy of Susana go.

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SIDE A: DJ Dolor



Great music of the world - forgotten music of the Antillas, Africa, Asia, Middle East.

Profile in original language:

"Great music of the world - músicas olvidadas de las Antillas, Africa, Asia, Medio Oriente."

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SIDE B: Origen Fallas

Mexico City, Mexico


The selection that makes up the mix is inspired by free jazz and Great Black Music. The mix is made with fragments of famous and fiery representative registers of this music, the material covers from the beginning of the 60s to the beginning of the 80s.

Profile in original language:

"La selección que compone el mix se inspira en el free jazz y en la Great Black Music. El mix está hecho con fragmentos de célebres y encendidos registros representativos de esta música, el material abarca desde inicio de los 60 hasta inicio los 80."



ARTIST: Jean-Sébastien Ruyer

Mexico City/France


Jean-Sébastien Ruyer has lived and worked in Mexico City since 2007. A visual and sound artist, he essentially explores the field of print-on-paper arts, from screen printing to printmaking, his work consists of a kind of graphic recycling of elements of popular culture, tele-transported in a displaced and vibrant graphic context. A collector of old magazines, super 8 films and vinyl records, analogue material is always the basis of his work.

Profile in original language:

"Jean-Sébastien Ruyer vive y trabaja en la Ciudad de México desde 2007. Artista visual y sonoro, el explora esencialmente el campo de las artes impresas sobre papel, desde la serigrafía hasta el grabado, su trabajo consiste en una especie de reciclaje gráfico de elementos de la cultura popular, télé-transportados en un contexto gráfico desplazado y vibrante. Coleccionista de revistas antiguas, películas en super 8 y discos de vinilo, el material analógico es siempre la base de su trabajo. "